Example 10



Step by step:

Pour water from 16 quarts to 9 quarts.

Then 9 quarts to 7 quarts.


7 quarts to 16 quarts.

9 quarts to 7 quarts.

16 quarts to 9 quarts.

9 quarts to 7 quarts.

7 quarts to 16 quarts.

9 quarts to 7 quarts.

16 quarts to 9 quarts.

9 quarts to 7 quarts.

7 quarts to 16 quarts.

9 quarts to 7 quarts.

16 quarts to 9 quarts.

9 quarts to 7 quarts.

And finally, 7 quarts to 16 quarts.

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1 Response to "Example 10"

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    1:57 AM

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